Yes, you can use JSON to change a user's primary email in Zendesk. While the example in the documentation mentions using CURL, you can also use third-party tools like Postman to make API requests using JSON.
Postman is a versatile tool that allows you to interact with the Zendesk API without needing a Linux server. This makes it easier to manage user identities and update email addresses efficiently. For more details, check out theSupport API documentation.
To set a secondary email as the primary email for a user, you need to use the Make Identity Primary endpoint in the Zendesk API. This endpoint allows you to designate an existing secondary email address as the primary one. It's a straightforward…
To update an existing email address, including the primary one, you should use the Update Identity endpoint in the Zendesk API. This endpoint allows you to modify the details of a user's email address, ensuring that your records are always…
To access the Zendesk API for updating email addresses, you can use tools like CURL or Postman. While CURL is commonly used in Linux environments, Postman is a great alternative for those who prefer a graphical interface or don't have access to a…