To enable followers in Zendesk, navigate to the Admin Center, click on 'Objects and rules' in the sidebar, and then select 'Tickets > Settings'. In the 'CCs and followers' section, you can enable followers by checking the appropriate option. This…
The CCs and followers blocklist in Zendesk is used to prevent specific users from being added as CCs or followers on tickets. You can enter email addresses or domain names into the blocklist to restrict these users. However, this blocklist does not…
Yes, end users can add CCs to their Zendesk tickets if the feature is enabled. This allows signed-in end users to copy users in ticket email replies, new support requests using the ticket form, and existing requests in 'My Activities'. However, if…
To change the default comment privacy for end user CCs in Zendesk, go to the Admin Center, click on 'Objects and rules' in the sidebar, and select 'Tickets > Settings'. In the 'Comments' section, you can choose to make email comments from CCed end…
Placeholders in Zendesk are used to dynamically insert information into ticket notifications. For CCs and followers, you can use placeholders like 'emailccnames' or 'ticket.ccnames' to return the names of CCs, and 'ticket.followernames' for…
Yes, light agents can be added as CCs or followers in Zendesk. When enabled, ticket requesters, agents, and existing CCs can add light agents and contributors as either CCs or followers. However, light agents cannot add or remove themselves from…
When an agent is CCed on a Zendesk ticket via email or the ticket interface, they are automatically added as a follower. However, if the agent is CCed from a ticket form in the help center or via the API, they are not added as a follower. This…