The 'Oops, something went wrong' error occurs when the Shopify administrator lacks the necessary permissions to install the integration. To resolve this, ensure the administrator has permissions for General > Orders, General > Customers, General >…
To connect Shopify with Zendesk, the administrator must have specific permissions in Shopify. These include permissions for General > Orders, General > Customers, General > Apps and channels, Online store > Themes, and Administration > Manage…
If you're facing a Shopify connection error in Zendesk, it might be due to insufficient admin privileges in Shopify. Ensure the administrator has the required permissions for orders, customers, apps and channels, themes, and manage settings. After…
If reconnecting Shopify and Zendesk doesn't resolve the issue, ensure that all necessary permissions are granted to the Shopify administrator. If the problem persists, try disconnecting and reconnecting your Shopify storefronts from the Admin…