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Sync Salesforce Lookup Fields to Zendesk - Frequently asked questions

Discover how to sync Salesforce lookup field information to Zendesk Support. Explore common questions and solutions for seamless integration and data management.

Frequently asked questions

How can I sync Salesforce lookup fields to Zendesk Support?

To sync Salesforce lookup fields to Zendesk Support, you need to create a custom formula field. Lookup fields in Salesforce store data as record IDs, which aren't directly usable in Zendesk. By creating a custom formula field in Salesforce, you can…

Why do Salesforce lookup fields only show record IDs in Zendesk?

Salesforce lookup fields show only record IDs in Zendesk because they store data as record IDs. Salesforce uses these IDs to look up details when viewing the field, but Zendesk can't interpret them directly. To make this data usable in Zendesk,…

What is the process to create a custom field in Zendesk for Salesforce data?

Creating a custom field in Zendesk for Salesforce data involves a few steps. First, navigate to Admin > Manage > Organization Fields in Zendesk. Then, drag a Text field from the right and give it a useful name, such as 'Parent Account'. This…

How do I create a formula field in Salesforce for Zendesk integration?

To create a formula field in Salesforce for Zendesk integration, go to Setup > Customize > Accounts > Fields and create a new custom field. Choose 'Formula' as the data type and give it a label, like 'Parent Account Name'. In the formula editor,…

How can I map fields between Salesforce and Zendesk?

Mapping fields between Salesforce and Zendesk involves configuring the field mapping in Zendesk. First, ensure you have the necessary fields set up in both platforms. Then, in Zendesk, open Admin Center and navigate to the Salesforce Integration…

Why don't changes to Salesforce formula fields trigger a sync in Zendesk?

Changes to Salesforce formula fields don't trigger a sync in Zendesk due to limitations in the Salesforce Streaming API. Formula field changes are considered implicit and don't generate a database event, which is necessary for triggering a sync….

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