To set up holiday notifications in Zendesk, you need to modify existing triggers and create new ones. First, edit the default "Notify requester and CCs of received request" trigger to prevent notifications from being sent on holidays. Then, create a new holiday notification trigger using a cloned version of the edited default trigger.
In the Admin Center, navigate to Objects and rules > Business rules > Triggers. Select the default trigger and add the condition 'On a holiday? Is No' to prevent notifications on holidays. Save your changes. Next, clone this trigger, rename it to something like "Notify requester and CCs of received request-Holiday," and change the condition to 'On a holiday? Is Yes.' Edit the email body to include your holiday message and save. This ensures that customers receive the holiday message during scheduled holidays. For more details, check theoriginal Zendesk article.
To modify the default notification trigger for holidays, you need to adjust the conditions to prevent notifications on holidays. This involves editing the "Notify requester and CCs of received request" trigger. In the Admin Center, go to Objects…
Creating a holiday-specific notification trigger in Zendesk involves cloning and modifying an existing trigger. This ensures customers receive the correct message during holidays. After editing the default trigger, go to the Triggers page and clone…
Editing the default trigger before creating a holiday trigger is important to avoid sending duplicate notifications. Without this step, customers might receive both the default and holiday messages. By modifying the "Notify requester and CCs of…
Zendesk automations are not ideal for holiday notifications because they are time-based, unlike triggers which are event-based. Triggers are better suited for this purpose. Automations lack the "Within business hours" condition, which is available…