If you're unable to reach the login page for your Zendesk account, you can try signing in using alternative URLs. Use your Zendesk credentials to access eitheryoursubdomain.zendesk.com/access/normal
These URLs should allow you to bypass the host-mapped domain issues and access your account directly. This is a temporary solution while you work on correcting your host mapping configuration.
If you're experiencing errors when trying to sign into your custom domain, it might be due to incorrect host mapping. When your Zendesk account has an active help center, users are typically redirected there upon signing in. If the host mapping…
If you encounter a page error after authenticating, it means you're properly authenticated but redirected to an incorrectly host-mapped help center. To access your account, use URLs likeyoursubdomain.zendesk.com/agent/dashboard
To remove faulty host mapping in Zendesk, the steps vary depending on whether you have one or multiple brands. For a single brand, navigate to Admin Center > Account > Appearance > Branding, scroll down to Host mapping, and remove your domain name….