Bullet and gauge charts are used to compare a metric to a target or total. The bullet chart is compact, showing actual vs. target results for multiple attribute values, with a vertical line for targets and a black bar for actuals.
The gauge chart is simpler, with a needle pointing to the value's result and a black dot for the target. You can customize these charts by editing colors and configuring how results are measured against targets. For more details, visit theoriginal link.
A KPI chart is a great way to display a metric's results as a headline number on your dashboard. It allows you to showcase a single metric or compare it with a reference number. If your headline number is higher than the reference, a green triangle…
A waterfall chart helps you understand the components of a result or the cumulative effect of a series. It's ideal for showing how results change from point A to point B, using metrics with positive and negative factors. You can also break down a…
Yes, you can customize colors in Zendesk charts. For KPI charts, you can edit variation, background, and min/max colors. In bullet and gauge charts, you can adjust range colors, which appear in a traffic light series. For gauge charts, you can…
While most charts in Zendesk are best for one or two metrics, you can compare multiple metrics using the waterfall chart or by using metrics as axes. The waterfall chart is particularly useful for showing changes over time or between different…