The E.164 phone number format is a standardized format used by Zendesk to validate phone numbers. It includes a country code, area code, and subscriber number, all prefixed with a plus sign (+).
For example, a US phone number in the E.164 format would be +15551234567. This format does not include any dashes or parentheses, which can cause validation errors if included. Ensuring phone numbers are entered in this format is crucial for successful syncing and validation in Zendesk Support.
Phone numbers synced from Salesforce to Zendesk may lose their country code due to differences in how each platform handles phone number validation. Zendesk Support uses the E.164 format to validate phone numbers, which requires a country code,…
To ensure phone numbers are validated correctly in Zendesk, they should be formatted in Salesforce using the E.164 format. This format includes a country code, area code, and subscriber number, all prefixed with a plus sign (+). For example, a US…
Salesforce automatically detects US phone numbers and may strip out the country code if it exists. This can lead to validation errors when syncing with Zendesk, which requires the E.164 format. To prevent this issue, you should add a plus sign (+)…