Yes, you can test push notifications for your iOS app before making them live. In the Chat dashboard, go to Settings > Account > API & SDKs, select the app, and in the iOS section, choose For APNs Sandbox. This allows you to test notifications in a controlled environment.
To enable push notifications for Zendesk Chat on your mobile app, you need to add your app to the Mobile SDK list via the Chat dashboard. This process involves generating an App ID and uploading an FCM server key for Android or a PEM certificate…
Before enabling push notifications, a Chat admin must upload a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) server key for Android or a PEM certificate for iOS to the Chat account. These files are provided by your developers. If they need guidance, they can…
You can easily edit the Name and Description of your mobile app in Zendesk Chat. Navigate to the Settings > Account > API & SDKs section in your dashboard, select the app you want to edit, make your changes, and click Save Changes. This allows you…
To disable push notifications for a mobile app, you need to remove it from the Mobile SDK list in your Chat dashboard. Once deleted, the app will no longer receive push notifications, and the deletion is irreversible. Navigate to Settings > Account…
If you can't delete an app using Chat Mobile SDK V1, it's likely because it's been migrated to the new experience and deletion is disabled. To deactivate it, remove the FCM server key and/or PEM file from the app's settings. This will effectively…