Creating a time period report in Zendesk Explore requires an advanced skill level and specific permissions.
You need to have either Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise, along with Editor or Admin permissions. Additionally, you must have access to ticket data in Zendesk Support. The process is designed to be completed in about 25 minutes, assuming you have the necessary skills and permissions.
You can create a report in Zendesk Explore to break down tickets by specific time periods. This involves creating a custom group attribute to categorize ticket creation hours into defined shifts. To start, navigate to the Reports section in Explore…
Time zone settings can significantly impact how ticket creation times are displayed in Zendesk Explore reports. Explore uses the current user's time zone when displaying reports, meaning the ticket creation hour will be based on that time zone. If…
While you can use the Updates history dataset for ticket creation reports, the Tickets dataset is recommended for better performance. The Updates history dataset provides data about actions taken on tickets throughout their lifetime, which can be…
To track ticket assignments by shift in Zendesk Explore, you need to create custom groups for each shift and ensure data is correctly attributed. Create groups for your shifts, such as morning, afternoon, and night, and ensure that ticket…