Yes, you can rename 'Promoted articles' to 'Recently updated' by modifying the home_page.hbs template. Simply replace the code within the curly braces, like this:<h2>{{t 'promoted_articles'}}</h2>
, with 'Recently updated'.
However, if your Help Center supports multiple languages, this change will remove automatic translation. To maintain translation functionality, create a dynamic content item and insert it instead, like this:<h2><{{dc "name_of_your_dynamic_content_object"}}</h2>
. For more guidance, check out the article on providing multiple language support with dynamic content.
Promoted articles on the Help Center home page are sorted using the "Absolute Positional Order" method. This means they are organized based on three factors: the position of the Category, the position of the Section within that Category, and…
Promoted articles appear at the top of their sections on the home page, but this doesn't change their order in the Arrange articles page. When you promote an article, it moves to the top of the list within its section and is marked with a star, but…
The Absolute Positional Order method is used to sort promoted articles on the Help Center home page. It organizes articles based on the position of their Category, the Section within that Category, and the Article within its Section. This method…