To decrease the rejection rate for article recommendations, optimize your help center content for clarity and focus. A high rejection rate indicates that users are not finding the suggested articles helpful.
Ensure your articles have clear titles, concise introductions, and a narrow focus. Titles should be phrased as questions or simple, active phrases. The introduction should include keywords and context within the first 75 words. Use article labels to filter results and target specific customer segments, reducing irrelevant suggestions.
Improving the suggestion rate for article recommendations involves ensuring proper configuration and labeling. If your suggestion rate is lower than expected, it might be due to misconfigured article labels or unsupported languages. To enhance your…
To increase the click-through rate for article recommendations, focus on crafting engaging emails. The click-through rate is the percentage of users who click on suggested articles from the total number of articles recommended. Enhance your email's…
Improving the resolution rate for article recommendations involves focusing on content relevance and clarity. The resolution rate measures how often suggested articles successfully resolve user queries. To boost this rate, ensure your articles…
Article titles play a significant role in the performance of Zendesk's Answer Bot. Titles that closely match the text of a support request are more likely to be suggested by the bot. While formatting titles as questions can be effective, overuse of…