To move an article to a different section in Zendesk Help Center, navigate to the article, click 'Edit article', and under 'Publish in section', click the current section's name. Select a new section and click 'Ok', then 'Update' to save.
In Guide Admin, click 'Arrange content', find the article, click the options menu, and select 'Move to'. Choose a new section and click 'Move'. This process ensures your article is relocated to the desired section.
You can move a section to a different category in Zendesk Help Center by editing the section. Navigate to the section you want to move, click 'Edit section' in the top menu bar, and under 'Hierarchy' in the sidebar, click the current category's…
Currently, Zendesk does not support bulk moving of articles to a new section. Each article must be moved individually. However, you can join discussions and up-vote feature requests for bulk moving capabilities, which may influence future updates.
Moving an article in Zendesk will not affect its links or translations. The article and section IDs remain unchanged, ensuring that links stay intact and translations move with the article.
Subscribers will not be notified when you move articles to a new section in Zendesk. This allows you to reorganize content without sending notifications for each move.