Currently, Zendesk Explore does not include the 'Received At' email address as an attribute for reporting, which has been a point of frustration for many users. This attribute is crucial for understanding where tickets are coming from, but it is not available in Explore's dataset.
Users have expressed the need for this feature, especially for historical ticket analysis. As a workaround, some users export data using the API to create reports externally. Zendesk encourages users to upvote feature requests to bring attention to this need.
To create a report on tickets received at each support email address in Zendesk, you can use the Explore feature. First, ensure you have Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise and the necessary permissions. Then, in Explore, click the reports…
To create a ticket report in Zendesk Explore, you'll need a few things. First, ensure you have either the Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise plan. You'll also need editor or admin permissions to access Explore. The process is…
In Zendesk Explore, you can visualize ticket data by email address by setting up a report with the 'Ticket email address' attribute. After creating a new report and selecting the 'Support - Tickets' dataset, add 'Tickets' under Metrics and 'Ticket…
Reporting on historical tickets in Zendesk can be challenging due to the lack of certain attributes, like 'Received At', in Explore. This limitation means that users cannot easily track the original email address for tickets over time. Many users…