You can identify when a chat is initiated from your mobile app by checking the Visitor path. When a customer starts a chat using the Chat mobile SDK on either iOS or Android, the page title in the Visitor path will show as 'Mobile chat connected'.
For those looking to enhance their chat experience, consider setting up a Chat trigger specifically for mobile app users. You can find a helpful guide on creating Chat triggers for iOS and Android mobile SDKs in the Zendesk documentation.
'Mobile chat connected' in the Visitor path indicates that a chat has been initiated from your mobile app. This occurs when a customer uses the Chat mobile SDK on their iOS or Android device to start a conversation. This feature helps you easily…
To create a Chat trigger for your mobile app users, you can follow a specific recipe provided by Zendesk. This allows you to set up automated responses or actions when a chat is initiated from your app using the Chat mobile SDK. This setup is…