This error message means that your admin hasn't finished setting up your access to Sell.
If you're a Support agent trying to access Sell and see this message, it indicates that the necessary permissions haven't been fully configured. Even if your admin has given you access in the Admin Center, there might be additional steps required depending on your plan level and permissions. It's important to have your admin complete these steps to resolve the issue.
If your admin has confirmed your access but you still can't get into Sell, there might be an additional setup step required. Your admin should ensure that your access is fully configured in the Admin Center. They need to follow the complete…
Admins need to complete specific steps to resolve the 'Sell account setup' error for users. First, they should verify that the user has been granted access to Sell in the Admin Center. Then, they must follow the complete invitation process, which…
The 'Complete invitation process' is a crucial step for finalizing Sell access permissions. This process may require checking the Pending Actions tab in the Sell settings to ensure all necessary permissions are granted. It's an additional step that…