No, you cannot create articles directly under help center categories in Zendesk. Articles must be placed within sections or subsections, and these sections are then organized within categories.
If you're looking to streamline your help center, consider creating a single category and organizing your FAQs into multiple sections within that category. This setup will allow the help center to display all sections on the home page, making navigation easier for users. For more details, you can refer to the article: Getting started with Guide: Setting up.
To organize your Zendesk help center without placing articles directly in categories, use sections and subsections. Articles are placed within these sections, which are then organized under categories. A practical approach is to create a single…
Since you can't create articles directly under categories in Zendesk, a workaround is to use sections within a single category. This involves creating one category and organizing your articles into multiple sections within it. This setup allows the…