Creating a report for bad satisfaction ratings with comments in Zendesk Explore is straightforward and takes about 15 minutes.
To start, ensure you have Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise and the necessary permissions. In Explore, click the reports icon, then 'New report'. Select the 'Support - Updates history' dataset and start the report. Add the metric 'Bad initial satisfaction ratings' and apply it. In the Rows panel, add 'Ticket ID', 'Ticket group', and 'Ticket satisfaction comment'. Exclude ratings without comments by ticking NULL. Add a filter for 'Ticket satisfaction rating' and select 'Bad'. Finally, add a date filter for 'Update - Date' and set it to 'Yesterday'. For more details, visit theoriginal guide.
To create a report in Zendesk Explore, you need to have Editor or Admin permissions. These permissions allow you to access the necessary tools and datasets within Zendesk Explore to build and customize reports. If you don't have these permissions,…
When creating a bad ratings report in Zendesk Explore, you should use the 'Support - Updates history' dataset. This dataset provides the necessary ticket data, including satisfaction ratings and comments, which are essential for building a…
To filter out ratings without comments in Zendesk Explore, you need to exclude NULL values in the 'Ticket satisfaction comment' attribute. After adding the 'Ticket satisfaction comment' attribute to your report, click on it and navigate to the…
Setting a date range for your report in Zendesk Explore involves using the 'Update - Date' filter. After adding this filter to your report, click on it and select 'Edit date ranges'. You can then set the date range to 'Yesterday' or any other…
Creating a report in Zendesk Explore is considered easy and requires a basic skill level. The process is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users with minimal experience to build reports effectively. With clear instructions and intuitive tools,…