New users added to Zendesk are automatically synced with your Zendesk WFM agent list every 12 hours. This ensures that your WFM account is always up-to-date with the latest user information.
This automatic syncing process means you don't have to manually update your WFM agent list whenever you add new users to Zendesk. However, remember to manage which users need access to WFM to control costs effectively.
No, Zendesk WFM doesn't charge for all of your Zendesk users. You only pay for the active users on your Zendesk WFM account, and this count is updated weekly. When you first install Zendesk WFM, all of your Zendesk users are automatically imported….
Zendesk WFM updates the count of active users once a week. This means your billing is based on the number of active users at the time of the update. This weekly update ensures that you are only charged for users who are actively using Zendesk WFM….
Yes, you can restrict Zendesk WFM access to certain users. This allows you to control who can use the WFM features and helps manage costs by only providing access to those who need it. By deactivating agents who don't require WFM or setting…
During the Zendesk WFM installation process, all of your Zendesk users are automatically imported into the WFM system. This initial import ensures that your WFM account is set up with all existing users. This automatic import simplifies the setup…