'Ticket status - Unsorted' is used in Zendesk Explore for formula calculations, offering an alphabetical sorting of ticket statuses. This differs from the standard Ticket status attribute, which is sorted chronologically and used in Rows, Columns, or Filters.
This attribute is particularly useful when you need to perform specific calculations or analyses that require an alphabetical order of ticket statuses. It helps in organizing data differently, which can be beneficial for certain types of reports or insights.
The 'Ticket status - Unsorted' in Zendesk Explore refers to a way of sorting ticket statuses alphabetically rather than chronologically. This means that instead of being sorted from newest to oldest (like new, open, pending, on-hold, solved,…
Yes, you can use custom ticket statuses with 'Ticket status - Unsorted' in Zendesk Explore. If your account has custom ticket statuses, you can incorporate attributes like Ticket custom status name, category, or state in your Rows, Columns, or…
A ticket might be categorized as 'Unsorted' in Zendesk if it hasn't been properly organized or classified under the standard ticket statuses. This can occur if tickets are not correctly assigned or routed to the appropriate agents, groups, or…