The Zendesk Web Widget has been updated to ensure that end users see an offline form when agents exit the chat and go invisible. This change helps manage user expectations and reduces the likelihood of missed chats when agents are unavailable.
The new Timers app in Zendesk Support helps manage SLAs, OLAs, deadlines, and reminders. It allows you to create minute-specific timers on tickets, facilitating various time-based use cases like measuring and enforcing SLAs or OLAs, and creating…
Zendesk Guide has introduced several new themes including Flimsy, Saffron, Tokyo, and Solo. Flimsy is a fully responsive multipurpose theme that balances style and performance with easy navigation. Saffron is an ultra-modern theme that supports all…
The Flow Builder in Zendesk Answerbot has received updates to its Explore dataset and dashboard. Admins can now gain a detailed understanding of customer interactions, including quick-reply options and conversation language. The pre-built dashboard…
Zendesk Chat & Messaging has seen improvements in transcript readability and offline form visibility. Transcripts now render new lines better for improved readability. The Web Widget Classic now shows the offline form when agents leave the chat and…
The Zendesk Mobile SDK 2.3.0 introduces several new features, including sending page view events for Visitor Path, support for image uploads from the camera, and an agent typing indicator. It also displays errors for unsupported file/image uploads….
The Zendesk Support iOS app has fixed issues related to the keyboard rendering over the text-input field and an app crash during conversations. The Android app has received bug fixes and minor UI improvements, enhancing the overall user experience…