Zendesk automation actions fire when the automation runs and the conditions are met, which happens once every hour.
The actions of one automation can affect another within the same hour, as automations run in order. This means that the state of a ticket can change between automations, affecting subsequent conditions and actions. It's important to consider the order and timing of automations to ensure they work as intended.
Zendesk automations are time-based rules that execute actions on tickets when certain conditions are met. Unlike triggers, which act immediately after a ticket is created or updated, automations run once every hour on all non-closed tickets….
Zendesk automations run once every hour on all non-closed tickets. However, they do not necessarily start at the top of the hour. The exact time when automations start running can vary within the hour, depending on the number of automations and…
Zendesk automations can be used to improve workflow and customer satisfaction by managing ticket statuses and sending notifications. Examples include notifying agents when a ticket remains unresolved for a certain number of hours, closing tickets a…
To ensure a Zendesk automation runs only once, it must include a condition that is true only once or an action that nullifies at least one of the conditions. For instance, you can use a 'ticket priority' condition that changes the priority after…
Zendesk automations do not run on closed tickets because closed tickets are considered final and cannot be modified. Once a ticket is closed, it is no longer subject to automation actions. This ensures that closed tickets remain in their final…