Unfortunately, you cannot directly report on the number of tickets with attachments in Zendesk Explore. Explore does not have a built-in metric or attribute that captures data specifically about ticket attachments.
However, you can still access attachment data by downloading attachments for individual tickets or performing a JSON ticket export. This export includes links to the attachments, which you can then use to manually compile your report. For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the originalZendesk help article.
Yes, you can export ticket attachments data from Zendesk by performing a JSON ticket export. This export will include links to the attachments of the tickets. While Zendesk Explore doesn't provide a direct metric for ticket attachments, the JSON…
Currently, there is no native way to report on the number of tickets with attachments using the Zendesk API. However, you can export a JSON file containing all your tickets, which includes links to the attachments. This method allows you to…
If you have suggestions or feedback about reporting features in Zendesk, you can share them with the Zendesk Product team. They encourage users to post in the Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) topic. By using the provided template to…