Narrowing the focus of your help center articles helps bots identify the most relevant content for customer queries. Each article should address a single, specific topic.
For instance, instead of combining multiple billing issues into one article, create separate articles for each issue. This approach allows bots to match customer requests with the most appropriate article, improving the accuracy of automated responses.
To optimize your help center articles for better bot responses, focus on creating well-written and well-formatted content. This involves using clear and concise titles, narrowing the focus of each article to a single topic, and crafting strong…
Article titles are crucial in determining whether an article is suggested in automated responses. If a title closely matches a customer's query, it's more likely to be recommended. To increase the chances of your articles being suggested, format…
The introduction of an article significantly impacts its likelihood of being suggested by bots. The first 75 words are weighted more heavily, so it's important to include relevant keywords and context. A clear and precise introduction helps bots…
Article labels can be used to filter which articles are considered in autoreply responses. By adding specific labels, you can control which articles are shown to different customer segments. For example, if you support both Android and iOS…
While there's no native feature to exclude articles from autoreplies, you can use labels to control which articles are shown. By labeling only the articles you want to be considered, you can effectively prevent others from being suggested. This…