The language displayed to users in the Zendesk Help Center is determined by several factors, in order of preference: the language specified in the URL, the user's current active session language, the language preference set in the user's profile, the preferred language of the user's browser, and other compatible languages specified by the browser. If none of these match, the default language of the Help Center is used.
To enable multiple languages in your Zendesk Help Center, you need to be a Guide Admin. First, navigate to the Language settings in Guide by clicking the Settings icon in the sidebar. Then, select 'Add new language' and choose from the list of…
If a language is enabled in your Help Center but not all articles are translated, users will see the default language version of the article. For example, if a user's browser language is set to French but an article is not translated into French,…
You can change the name of your Help Center for different languages by accessing the Language settings in Guide. On the Help Center Language page, click in the name field for any language and enter a new name. Once you've made your changes, click…
Yes, you can remove a language from your Zendesk Help Center by deleting it from the Language settings page. When you delete a language, the articles in that language are unpublished but remain in the Guide admin. If you decide to add the language…
If your Help Center content is only partially translated, consider redirecting untranslated articles to an existing language or adding a default language version of the article to the translation page. This ensures that users can still access the…