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Integrate Zendesk Chat with Batchbook Easily

Learn how to integrate Zendesk Chat with Batchbook using your API Token and account name. Follow these simple steps.

How do I integrate Zendesk Chat with Batchbook?

To integrate Zendesk Chat with Batchbook, you'll need your Batchbook API Token and account name. First, log in to your Batchbook account and navigate to Personal Settings > API Key to copy your key. Then, from your Zopim account page, go to the Integrations tab, select Batchbook, and enter your API key and account name. Finally, click Save to complete the integration.

For a smoother experience, consider enabling the Pre-Chat form in Zendesk Chat to automatically collect visitor email addresses, which will save you from entering them manually in Batchbook. For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the originalZendesk help article.

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Can I use Batchbook integration with Zendesk Support?

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To avoid manually entering visitor email addresses in Batchbook, it's recommended to enable the Pre-Chat form in Zendesk Chat. This form can be set to require visitors to enter their email addresses before starting a chat. By collecting email…

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