Yes, you can hide the Zendesk logo in Zendesk Guide regardless of your plan level. This customization is available to all users, allowing you to remove the 'Powered by Zendesk' logo from your Guide.
For more detailed instructions, see the article on hiding the Powered by Zendesk logo.
You can remove the Zendesk logo from some products, depending on your plan. The ability to remove the Zendesk logo varies across different Zendesk products and is dependent on your subscription plan. For instance, if you're on the Suite Enterprise…
Yes, the Suite Enterprise plan allows you to remove the Zendesk logo from certain products. Specifically, if you're on the Suite Enterprise plan, you have the option to hide the Zendesk logo from the messaging Web Widget. For more information on…
You can remove the Zendesk logo from the Web Widget (Classic) on any plan level. To do this, you need to access the widget settings and toggle off the options under the Customization tab. For a step-by-step guide, refer to the article on…
The ability to remove Zendesk branding is not available on all plan levels. While some products allow logo removal on any plan, others, like the messaging Web Widget, require a Suite Enterprise plan. For more details on which products allow logo…