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Genesys Cloud Integration Availability in Zendesk

Find out if Genesys Cloud integration is available on your Zendesk plan. It's exclusive to the Enterprise plan.

Is Genesys Cloud integration available on all Zendesk plans?

Genesys Cloud integration is only available on the Zendesk Enterprise plan.

If you're looking to integrate Genesys Cloud with Zendesk QA, it's important to note that this feature is exclusive to the Enterprise plan. This plan provides the necessary tools and capabilities to support the integration, ensuring seamless syncing of conversations and data management.

More related questions

How do I connect Genesys Cloud to Zendesk QA?

To connect Genesys Cloud to Zendesk QA, you need to create an OAuth client and input credentials in Zendesk QA. First, generate a client under OAuth by navigating to Admin > Integrations > OAuth and adding the necessary permissions. Make sure to…

What permissions are needed for Genesys Cloud integration with Zendesk QA?

To integrate Genesys Cloud with Zendesk QA, specific permissions are required. When setting up the OAuth client, ensure you include permissions such as 'Recording:recording:view', 'Routing > email > manage', and 'Analytics > conversation detail >…

What is the retention period in Zendesk QA for Genesys Cloud data?

The retention period in Zendesk QA determines how long your Genesys Cloud data is stored. When setting up the connection in Zendesk QA, you have the option to select a retention period for your data. This setting is crucial as it dictates how long…

How do I create an OAuth client for Genesys Cloud integration?

Creating an OAuth client is the first step in integrating Genesys Cloud with Zendesk QA. Navigate to Admin > Integrations > OAuth in your Genesys Cloud account. Add a new client and set the 'Grant type' to 'Client Credentials'. Choose an 'App Name'…

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