You can find updates on Zendesk's system status on their dedicated system status page. This page provides real-time information about any ongoing issues.
For the latest updates on system incidents, including post-mortem summaries, the system status page is the best resource. If you have further questions about specific incidents, you can log a ticket with Zendesk via ZBot Messaging within the Widget.
On January 2, 2024, some customers experienced issues connecting to Zendesk Support via the Z Bot Widget. After investigation, it was determined that the Z Bot Widget was not impacted, and normal service was restored. Initially, there were errors…
Zendesk initially failed over to a web form to address the Z Bot Widget connection issue. This ensured customers could still contact support. During the incident, Zendesk quickly identified the problem and provided an alternative method for…
If you have questions about a specific Zendesk incident, you can log a ticket with Zendesk via ZBot Messaging within the Widget. Zendesk encourages users to reach out if they need more information about incidents. The ZBot Messaging feature within…