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Find Zendesk API Documentation

Discover where to access comprehensive Zendesk API documentation, including guides on SDKs, authentication, and error handling.

Where can I find a list of Zendesk API documentation?

You can find a comprehensive list of all Zendesk API documentation on their support site. This includes detailed guides and articles about the different SDKs offered by Zendesk, covering topics like API authentication requests, API tokens, and handling API errors. For more information, visit theZendesk API and SDK section.

More related questions

Why can't I log into my Zendesk account through the terminal?

If you're having trouble logging into your Zendesk account through the terminal, it might be due to incorrect credentials or authentication issues. Ensure that you are using the correct API token or credentials required for terminal access. For…

How can I set which brand of welcome email is sent when creating users through the API?

When creating new users through the Zendesk API, you can control which brand the welcome email is sent from by specifying the brand ID in your API request. This ensures that the welcome email aligns with the correct brand identity for your users.

Can I use the API to assign a macro to a user or group?

Yes, you can use the Macro API to assign a macro to a user or group in Zendesk. This allows you to automate and streamline processes by applying predefined actions to tickets based on specific criteria.

How can I authenticate API requests in Zendesk?

To authenticate API requests using Zendesk's v2 APIs, you must be a verified user. Authentication can be done using API tokens, OAuth, or basic authentication, depending on your setup and security requirements.

How do I add a comment to a ticket via API?

To add a comment to a ticket using the Zendesk API, you need to use the appropriate endpoint and include the comment details in your API request. This allows you to update tickets programmatically and keep track of interactions.

Can I increase my API rate limit in Zendesk?

If you need to make more API calls per minute, you can request an increase in your API rate limit from Zendesk. This is particularly useful for applications that require high-frequency data access.

How do I set up Postman to make API requests to my Zendesk account?

To set up Postman for making API requests to your Zendesk account, you need to configure the environment with your Zendesk domain, API token, and other necessary credentials. This setup allows you to test and interact with the Zendesk API without…

Why do I see the Answer Bot in the Chat SDK without a subscription?

If you notice the Answer Bot appearing in the Chat SDK despite not having a subscription, it could be due to default settings or trial features enabled in your account. Check your account settings or contact Zendesk support for clarification.

How can I change predefined auto responses in the Chat SDK?

To change predefined auto responses in the Chat SDK, locate your Chat SDK app folder and modify the response settings as needed. This customization allows you to tailor the chat experience to better suit your users' needs.

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