When a Zendesk ticket is linked to a Jira issue, the 'Zendesk Ticket Count' field increases by one, and the ticket ID is added to the 'Zendesk Ticket IDs' field.
Conversely, when a ticket is unlinked, the count decreases by one, and the ID is removed. This automatic update helps maintain an accurate record of customer interest in specific Jira issues.
To report on the number of Zendesk tickets linked to a Jira issue, you need to set up custom fields in Jira. This integration helps prioritize work by highlighting issues with more customer interest. To enable this feature, a Jira administrator…
To report on Zendesk tickets in Jira, you need two custom fields: a text field for ticket IDs and a number field for counting them. The text field, named 'Zendesk Ticket IDs', lists the IDs in a comma-separated string, while the number field,…
Setting up linked tickets reporting in Jira involves creating custom fields and adding them to project screens. First, navigate to Jira's settings, select 'Custom fields', and create a text field named 'Zendesk Ticket IDs'. Then, create a number…
The Zendesk Support for Jira integration is useful because it helps developers prioritize issues based on customer demand. By sorting Jira issues by the number of linked Zendesk tickets, teams can focus on features or bugs that affect the most…