Built-in metrics and attributes in Zendesk Explore cannot be edited directly. To make changes, you need to create an editable copy by duplicating them.
Once duplicated, the copy will be stored in the Calculated metrics or Calculated attributes folder, allowing you to make the necessary edits. This process ensures that the original built-in metrics and attributes remain unchanged.
To edit custom metrics and attributes in Zendesk Explore, you need to access the metric or attribute panels. From there, you can select a metric or attribute with a pen icon next to it to open the editing menu. In the menu, you can rename your…
When editing metrics and attributes in Zendesk Explore, you have several options available. You can duplicate, edit the display format, change aggregators, or delete custom metrics and attributes. Duplicating creates an editable copy, while editing…
To duplicate a metric or attribute in Zendesk Explore, select the metric or attribute with a pen icon and choose the 'Duplicate' option from the menu. This creates an editable copy that is stored in the Calculated metrics or Calculated attributes…
In Zendesk Explore, you can change the display format of your metrics to better suit your needs. This includes converting results to percentages, currency, timestamps, or custom formats. To do this, access the metric or attribute menu and select…
Currently, Zendesk Explore does not offer a central dedicated location to view all custom calculated metrics. However, you can access them from inside the report editor. This means you'll need to navigate through the report editor to manage or…