Creating a multiple line chart by month in Zendesk Explore is possible and allows you to compare trends across different years.
To achieve this, you can follow a recipe that demonstrates how to build a report with multiple lines showing monthly data across different years. You can customize the dataset, metrics, and attributes to fit your specific business needs. This approach is useful for visualizing trends over time and comparing them year by year.
For comparing trends over time, charts with a left to right progression are ideal. These include line, column, area, and sparkline charts. Line charts are great for detailed time series and adding trend lines. Column charts work well for time…
Customizing a line chart in Zendesk Explore allows you to tailor it to your specific needs. You can adjust the grid, line shape, stroke width, and more. In the chart configuration menu, you can choose to show or hide the grid, curve the lines, and…
Column charts in Zendesk Explore offer several customization options to help you visualize your data effectively. You can adjust axis settings, colors, and stacking options. In the chart configuration menu, you can customize the X, Y, and secondary…
Area charts in Zendesk Explore are similar to line charts but with an added feature of shading the area under the line to show the weight of results. Like line charts, area charts use lines to track results over time. However, they also shade the…
Sparkline charts in Zendesk Explore are unique because they provide a compact view of key values and trends over time. Unlike other trend charts, sparklines highlight important values like the last, lowest, and highest values, and indicate whether…