Most of the $zopim.livechat APIs have been ported to Web Widget (Classic), allowing you to continue customizing the chat experience. The legacy $zopim.livechat syntax is aliased, so existing code will work without updates. However, some legacy APIs are not supported due to security risks.
Zendesk plans to deprecate the old syntax eventually, but this won't happen for at least 12 months. Customers will receive ample warning and guidance on mitigating impacts when this occurs.
When transitioning from Legacy Chat to Web Widget (Classic), you will notice changes in both user experience and widget configuration. The appearance, placement, and label text of the minimized chat button launcher may differ. Additionally, some…
In Web Widget (Classic), the minimized chat button launcher can be customized using the Web Widget JavaScript APIs. You can adjust its appearance, placement, and label text. For desktop and mobile, use the launcher API to customize the label or…
Web Widget (Classic) offers limited chat appearance customization compared to the Legacy Chat widget. The theme is restricted to a simple option, and the window size is standardized. The mobile widget is available as an overlay only, and message…
No, the chat window in Web Widget (Classic) is not draggable. Instead, it offers a popout feature that opens the widget in a new browser window. This change from the Legacy Chat widget, which allowed users to drag the chat window around the page,…
In Web Widget (Classic), the language is automatically set based on the user's browser settings, unlike the Legacy Chat widget, which used page content and lang parameters. To override the browser settings, use the setLocale API. This change…