The Capabilities Object in Zendesk's API provides rich-text properties of the channel that an agent has selected in the ticket editor. This object helps apps offer enhanced text editing features and functionalities tailored to the specific channel being used.
The Channel Awareness feature in Zendesk's Apps Support API allows support apps to recognize the channel properties that an agent is currently using. This includes channels like Chat, Email, Talk, Facebook, WhatsApp, and LINE. By understanding the…
The Channel Object in Zendesk's API provides details about the channel based on the last message exchanged between an end user and an agent. It reflects the channel displayed on the ticket tab, helping apps understand the context of the…
The Target Channel Object offers details about the channel that an agent has currently selected in the ticket editor. This allows apps to adapt to the agent's current focus and provide relevant functionalities or information based on the selected…
Developers can provide feedback on Zendesk's Channel Awareness feature by writing a note or filing a ticket to It's recommended to include JJ Miclat's email ( in the CC for direct communication with the…