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Canceling Your Zendesk Chat Subscription

Learn how to cancel your Zendesk Chat subscription based on your account type. Follow the steps for a smooth cancellation process.

How can I cancel my Zendesk Chat subscription?

To cancel your Zendesk Chat subscription, you need to determine your account version first. There are four versions: Legacy Zendesk Chat, Legacy Zendesk Chat + Support, Zendesk Chat Phase 3, and Zendesk Chat Phase 4. Depending on your account type, you can cancel through the Admin Center or by contacting your account manager if you have a managed or sales-assisted account. Note that only the account owner can perform the cancellation. For more details, visit theoriginal link.

More related questions

What should I do if I can't find the option to cancel my Zendesk Chat account?

If you can't find the option to cancel your Zendesk Chat account, it might be because only the account owner has the permission to do so. If you have a managed or sales-assisted account, you will need to contact your account manager to update your…

What happens to my data after I cancel my Zendesk Chat subscription?

Once you cancel your Zendesk Chat subscription, the cancellation takes effect at the end of your current billing cycle. After this point, you will lose access to your account, and all your account data will be deleted according to the Zendesk…

Who can cancel a Zendesk Chat account?

Only the account owner has the permission to cancel a Zendesk Chat account. If you are not the account owner, you will need to coordinate with them to initiate the cancellation process. For managed or sales-assisted accounts, contacting your…

Why might I need to contact Zendesk support to cancel my Chat subscription?

You might need to contact Zendesk support to cancel your Chat subscription if you have a managed or sales-assisted account, or if you're unable to cancel through the Admin Center. Some self-service accounts also require contacting Zendesk directly…

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