To associate products with deals in Zendesk Sell, you'll need to use the Products API and the Deals API. First, ensure your products are created or retrieved using the Products API. Then, use the Deals API to link these products to your deals.
This process involves creating line items for each product within a deal. You'll need to provide details like product ID, quantity, and price. While it might seem complex, structuring your data correctly can streamline the process. For more detailed guidance, consider reaching out to the Developer Community for assistance.
You can't directly import a product list into Zendesk Sell, but you can use the Products API to manage your products. This API allows you to create and manage products programmatically, which can be a powerful tool if you have a large number of…
Currently, there isn't a detailed step-by-step guide specifically for the Products API in Zendesk Sell. However, a good starting point is the 'Sell: Making the first call' guide, which introduces you to basic API usage. Once you're comfortable with…
Importing deals with associated products into Zendesk Sell requires a multi-step process using the API. First, use the Products API to ensure your products are in the system. Then, use the Deals API to create deals and associate products with them….
If you're new to making API requests to Zendesk Sell, tools like Postman can be incredibly helpful. Postman simplifies the process of making and testing API requests, allowing you to focus on the data and functionality you need. For those…