Agents with 'No access' in Zendesk Explore cannot view or access any part of Explore.
This role is used when Explore is turned off in the agent's profile, effectively restricting them from interacting with Explore dashboards, reports, or datasets. It's a way to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and reporting tools.
Explore user roles in Zendesk Support Professional include Admin, Editor, and Viewer. Each role has different permissions to control access levels. Admins have the most permissions, including updating account-level settings, managing dataset…
In Zendesk Support Enterprise, Explore roles have specific permissions based on what agents can do in Explore. The 'Create reports and manage permissions' role includes all permissions for creating reports, plus the ability to update account-level…
Yes, both Editors and Admins in Zendesk Explore can delete a shared dashboard. If you want to prevent users from deleting your dashboard, consider downgrading their role to Viewer, or use a workaround by cloning the original dashboard and keeping a…
Explore roles in Support Professional and Enterprise differ mainly in the permissions they offer. In Support Professional, roles are defined as Admin, Editor, and Viewer, each with specific permissions. In Support Enterprise, roles are more…