Yes, you can view ticket comments in Salesforce using the detailed ticket view. This view shows all fields and the comment history of the selected ticket, allowing you to see the full context of the ticket's interactions.
The Ticket View feature in Zendesk for Salesforce allows you to view, create, and edit Zendesk Support tickets directly within Salesforce. It provides a real-time query of Zendesk Support, displaying a list of tickets on your Salesforce Account,…
The Ticket View feature in Salesforce has several limitations. Attachments and ticket macros are not supported, and tickets with requesters not belonging to an organization are only displayed if the email matches a Salesforce contact. Additionally,…
To view tickets in Salesforce using Ticket View, ensure it is set up correctly. You can access tickets through two interfaces: the ticket list view, which shows all tickets for an Account, Contact, Opportunity, or Lead page, and the detailed ticket…
In Ticket View, you can filter and sort tickets by clicking the Filter List icon in the upper right corner. By default, all unclosed tickets are shown and sorted by descending priority. You can adjust the filters by selecting or deselecting values…
To create or update tickets in Salesforce, you need to authenticate by adding your Zendesk agent account credentials to the ticket view personal settings. This involves navigating to the ticket view, clicking the cog icon for Personal settings, and…
To create a ticket, navigate to the ticket view in Salesforce and click 'New ticket'. Fill out the form with details like Requester, Assignee, and Priority, then submit. To edit a ticket, double-click on it in the ticket view, make changes, and…
Automating ticket creation in Salesforce without manually clicking 'New Ticket' is possible using Zendesk's REST API. This requires custom coding outside of the standard integration. The Ticket View feature itself does not support automation for…
Currently, the integration supports connecting to a single Zendesk instance at a time. While technically possible to connect multiple instances, it is not officially supported and can break most features.