Placeholders for custom fields in Zendesk are generated based on ticket, user, and custom object properties. Custom fields have unique IDs or keys, which are used in placeholders. For example, a custom ticket field might use {{ticket.ticketfield505156}}. To find these IDs or keys, navigate through the Admin Center under Objects and rules or People sections.
Placeholders in Zendesk are references to ticket, user, and custom data used in email notifications. They allow for automated messages by inserting dynamic content. Placeholders are case sensitive and formatted within double curly brackets. They…
System ticket rules in Zendesk can suppress placeholders in ticket triggers under certain conditions. These predefined rules are unchangeable and ensure standard behavior in Zendesk Support. They prevent misuse, such as spammers using your account…
Placeholders can be used in some, but not all, business rule actions in Zendesk. When supported, a 'View available placeholders' button appears beneath the field. They are typically used in notification messages to reference ticket properties. If a…
When you apply a macro with a placeholder to a ticket, the placeholder is evaluated based on the current ticket data. If the evaluation returns information, it is added as a ticket comment. For instance, a macro returning a ticket ID won't update…
In Zendesk, the placeholder for a custom drop-down field references the selected option. Use {{ticket.ticketfieldoptiontitle
Lookup relationship fields in Zendesk define relationships between objects and support placeholders for related data. For example, a ticket's requester field can use placeholders to reference user data. You can go two 'hops' deep with standard…
In Zendesk, you can use placeholders with Liquid markup to check if a custom checkbox field is selected. The checkbox field has a value of 0 or 1, not false or true. Use if/else statements to customize output based on the checkbox status.