Currently, you cannot set a specific timezone for the 'Tickets created - Hour' in Zendesk Explore.
The timezone used is based on your user profile settings. This applies to dashboards, report builders, and exports. While there's no option to change the report's timezone, it's a feature that could be added in the future based on user feedback. If this is important to you, consider providing feedback to Zendesk to help influence future updates.
Creating a ticket creation heatmap in Zendesk Explore is a straightforward process. To get started, you'll need Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise, along with Editor or Admin permissions. Begin by navigating to the Reports library in…
Excluding specific tags from your Zendesk Explore heatmap requires creating a custom metric or attribute. If you notice that excluding a tag increases the number of results, it's likely due to the way tags are processed. To properly exclude tags,…
Yes, you can create a heatmap for agent activity in Zendesk Explore. Instead of focusing on ticket creation, you can track the number of updates or comments made by agents. This involves using a different recipe that focuses on agent interactions…
To compare heatmaps over different time periods in Zendesk Explore, you can adjust the date ranges or create multiple queries. By modifying the 'Ticket created - Day of week' attribute, you can focus on specific time frames. Alternatively, create…
Yes, you can customize the heatmap in Zendesk Explore to track different attributes. For instance, if you want to track 'request types' instead of 'Ticket created - Hour', simply replace the attribute in the Rows panel. This flexibility allows you…