To prevent RGB colors from being converted to HEX in Zendesk, use RGBA formatting instead. RGBA includes an alpha channel, which allows for transparency and does not get automatically converted by the TinyMCE editor. This way, you can maintain your desired color format without it being altered upon saving.
RGB color elements are automatically converted to HEX by TinyMCE, the WYSIWYG editor used in Zendesk. This happens when you save your draft and inspect the source code. To avoid this conversion, you can use RGBA instead, which includes an alpha…
TinyMCE is the WYSIWYG editor used in Zendesk for content management, and it automatically converts RGB color elements to HEX formatting. This conversion occurs when you save your draft and inspect the source code. To maintain your color format,…
Yes, you can use RGBA colors in Zendesk without them being converted to HEX. Unlike RGB, RGBA includes an alpha channel for transparency, which prevents the TinyMCE editor from automatically converting it. This allows you to keep your color…