Yes, you can attach files to Zendesk tickets using the API. To do this, you need to use the Upload Files API endpoint, which will return a token. This token must be included in a ticket comment by using the uploads array when creating or updating a ticket. If you skip this step, the uploaded files will be deleted, and a 404 error will occur when the upload token expires. For more details, check out theoriginal documentation.
You can attach multiple files to a single Zendesk ticket comment by generating a single token and using it for all attachments. After making the first request to the uploads endpoint, add the token to the end of the URL for subsequent uploads….
Unfortunately, you cannot attach files directly from external sources like Google Cloud or Azure Blob Storage to Zendesk tickets. The file must be uploaded via the Attachment API, which requires the actual file to create a token for attachment.
If you encounter an 'AttachmentUnprocessable' error, ensure that the ContentType header value matches the file type being uploaded. Also, verify that the filename extension in the URL query parameter matches the actual file's extension. If issues…
No, you cannot upload attachments using the Zendesk client.request method. Instead, you should use the Fetch API or a similar method to make the request. This approach allows you to handle the file upload process more effectively.
The upload token generated by the Zendesk API is valid for three days. It's important to associate the token with a ticket within this timeframe to avoid the uploaded files being deleted.