The First reply time tab provides insights into how long it takes for agents to be offered, accept, be assigned, and reply to messaging tickets. This data is crucial for understanding the initial response time of your support team.
By analyzing this tab, you can identify areas where response times can be improved, ensuring that customers receive timely assistance.
To open the Zendesk Messaging dashboard, simply navigate to the Dashboard icon in Explore. From there, select the Zendesk Messaging dashboard from the list of available dashboards. This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your messaging…
The Overview tab provides insights into agent performance and customer satisfaction across all messaging channels. It includes data on the number of messaging tickets, resolution times, and satisfaction levels. This tab is essential for…
The Efficiency tab focuses on how quickly your agents respond to and resolve messaging tickets. It provides data on reply and resolution times, helping you assess the speed and efficiency of your support team. By analyzing this tab, you can…
The Assignee activity tab offers detailed reports on agent performance, including reply times, resolution times, and the number of one-touch tickets. It also provides satisfaction ratings and the number of tickets solved. This tab is valuable for…
The Unsolved tickets tab provides data on your unsolved tickets, including the number of unreplied tickets, their age, status, and which agents have the most unsolved tickets. This tab is crucial for managing your ticket backlog and ensuring that…