You can find the setting to configure chat ticket assignment in the standard agent interface by navigating to the Chat dashboard. Go to Settings > Account > Zendesk Support tab. Here, you can choose whether the first or last agent to assist is assigned the ticket.
Zendesk assigns chat tickets based on your account setup. In the standard interface, you can choose whether the first or last agent to assist is assigned the ticket. This setting can be configured in the Chat dashboard under Settings > Account >…
Yes, you can configure which agent gets assigned a chat ticket in Zendesk. In the standard agent interface, you have the option to assign the ticket to either the first or last agent who assisted. This can be set up in the Chat dashboard under…
In Zendesk Agent Workspace, chat tickets are initially assigned to the original agent who served the chat. However, the assignment can be changed by updating the Assignee field in Support. This allows for flexibility in managing who handles the…