Explore reports and exports might show different ticket creation numbers due to ticket deletions or recoveries. Deleted tickets are removed from the Tickets dataset, which can decrease the total number of tickets created. Conversely, recovering deleted tickets can increase this number. To track these changes, you can use the Deletions and Recoveries metrics in the Updates history dataset. This allows you to see when tickets were deleted or recovered and who performed these actions. For more details, check out the originalZendesk help article.
Ticket solve numbers can differ between Explore reports and exports due to ticket reopens and resolutions over time. When tickets are reopened, they may be removed from the solved metric or moved to a different period. Additionally, if tickets are…
Ticket categories might differ between Explore reports and exports because the Tickets dataset reflects the current state of tickets. If a ticket's category changes between the time of export and when a report is run, the results will differ. For…
When examining discrepancies in Explore reports, it's important to consider both the raw numbers and the percentage changes. A small numerical change can represent a significant percentage change, and vice versa. Understanding these variances helps…
Aggregators like median (MED) and mean (AVG) can impact Explore report discrepancies, especially for duration metrics like first reply time. The MED aggregator helps protect against outliers, while the AVG aggregator can be skewed by them. For…