Yes, suspended agents still take up a seat in Zendesk. To free up a license, you should downgrade the agent to an end user before suspending their account.
This is an important step to ensure that your agent seats are not unnecessarily occupied, allowing you to manage your team more efficiently.
In Zendesk, an agent license is required for anyone who acts as an agent, including administrators and the account owner. Light agents and contributors do not take up a seat unless they have additional roles like Chat agent or Guide agent….
Light agents generally do not take up an agent seat in Zendesk unless they have additional roles like Chat agent or Guide agent. For example, if you have a Zendesk Suite account with five agent seats and one of your light agents is also a Chat…
Unfortunately, the Zendesk Support API does not provide a direct way to check if a light agent is also a chat agent. However, you can use the Chat API to pull chat-agent status. This requires a separate API call and special authentication. For more…
Creating a custom role for light agents in Zendesk will require an agent seat, unlike the system-created 'Light Agent' or 'Collaborator' roles. If you copy the light agent permissions into a new role, it will count towards your available agent…