The 'Needs Verification' status means an article needs a review for accuracy based on verification rules, while 'In Progress' indicates changes have been made but not yet finalized.
'In Progress' articles are considered drafts and need to be submitted for review, published, archived, or reverted to a previous version to be removed from this status. Understanding these distinctions helps manage your content workflow effectively.
To view a list of unverified articles in Zendesk, navigate to the 'Needs Verification' section. As a Guide admin or an agent with edit permissions, you can access this list by clicking the Manage articles icon in the sidebar and then selecting…
'Needs Verification' in Zendesk indicates that an article has met specific verification rules and requires a review for accuracy. These articles are still published but are marked for review in the backend. To verify an article, you can click the…
If you're receiving article verification notifications without having set up rules, it might be because the articles are unverified. Even without explicit rules, article owners receive notifications twice a week for articles that need verification….
If you can't see all your articles in the Manage articles section, ensure they are in a published status. Only published articles appear in the third tab. Additionally, check if you're searching in the correct language, as articles may not be…