If you continue to experience issues with Chat placeholders, it is recommended to reach out to Zendesk's Customer Advocacy team for assistance. They can provide further guidance and support to resolve any ongoing problems you might be facing.
On July 11, 2024, there was an issue with Chat shortcut placeholders where the {{agent_name}} placeholder was displaying the full agent's name instead of their Chat Display name. This affected customers who had migrated to the Messaging Omnichannel…
The Chat placeholder issue was resolved by implementing a fix on July 12, 2024. This fix ensured that the {{agent_name}} placeholder would correctly reference the agent's alias instead of their full name. Users were advised to refresh their…
The root cause of the Chat placeholder issue was a process breakdown during the initial planning of the Messaging Omnichannel Backend (OCB). The performance of the {{agent_name}} placeholder in the new OCB environment was not clearly defined,…
To prevent future issues similar to the Chat placeholder problem, Zendesk updated product documentation to clearly define feature operations in different environments. Additionally, improvements were made to planning and testing processes to ensure…