Creating a trigger to remove incorrect predictions involves setting specific conditions and actions in Zendesk's Admin Center.
First, navigate to Business rules > Triggers and add a new trigger. Set conditions to identify new tickets without certain tags and with present intent or sentiment. Then, add actions to remove these values and optionally tag the ticket for tracking. This trigger should be placed before others that rely on intent or sentiment.
If your ticket's intent or sentiment prediction seems off, it might be due to language support or non-human content. Intelligent triage predictions can be inaccurate if the ticket's language isn't supported or if non-human content is added by…
If a ticket's language isn't supported, it can lead to incorrect intent or sentiment predictions. To handle unsupported languages, you can create a trigger to remove the incorrect sentiment and intent values before your business rules process the…
Non-human content can confuse intelligent triage because it's trained on human-submitted information. Integrations that add metadata or system-generated messages can lead to unexpected predictions. If you notice consistent issues, consider…
To diagnose issues with API-generated tickets, you can create a view or use search functions in Zendesk. Check if all tickets from a specific channel are affected or only a subset. Use views to list API-generated tickets and add columns for intent…
If only some API tickets have incorrect predictions, identify a common trait to filter them. Look for consistent tags, ticket fields, or text in the subject line. Once identified, create a trigger to remove incorrect sentiment and intent values for…